Monday, September 17, 2012

Sports Widow

Now that football is in full affect, you hear many women discuss how they have become a "sports widow."  Well, I am no different.  Although, I think for almost every season I am the unenviable sports widow.  In this house, Pac-Man dictates almost every sports team we support, lol.

Let's start the widow status in Spring.  Spring is a time of newness, green, life, and just good feelings as we shake dreary winter off our heals.  It is also when I become a widow to baseball.

Watching the Boston Red Sox play baseball, or any team for that matter, for me is the equivalent to watching paint try.  The pitcher throws a ball, the batter tries to hit it.  Clearly, this is not an easy task, which is evident by the low scores that determine who wins.  I rarely see scores that enter the double digit range.

After losing Pac-Man to baseball for much of Spring and Summer, we again lose him in the fall to football.  Now we are all red, white, and blue as we cheer on the Patriots.  

This is actually a sport I can get into.  I love watching football, I just prefer to watch college football.  There's excitement, despite the mundane task of trying to score with an egg shaped ball.  Here we have big burly men tackling each other and fighting each other, trying to keep the other team from scoring.  Much more adrenaline pumping than the mundane monotony of baseball.

After football comes two more sports.  Pac-Man is luckily not into hockey.  Although it is packed full of adrenaline like football, the fighting there is equivalent to a bar room fight.  So, since he isn't interested, I try to say that we are Red Wings fans.  He doesn't care, and neither of us watches hockey enough to really care if the Red Wings win or not.

But, we do get dominated by Pac-Man's love for the Boston Celtics.

Can you tell that we live in New England?!?!?!?

Here, C-Man, Mar-Mar, and I lose Pac-Man again to basketball.  And just when you think with the emergence of Spring that you will have roaming, romping family fun, baseball starts in full affect.

Who is a sports widow?  Are you a seasonal sports widow, only losing your spouse to one sport?  Or are you a year round sports widow?  What about a gamer widow? 

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