Thursday, August 30, 2012

What Child Do You Speak Of?

Today was C-Man's 2nd day of school, and also the 2nd day that I was positive that his teacher was trying to send me home with the wrong child.

"C-Man is so good, he is one of my best listeners in class."
"Excuse me?  Are you sure you are returning the right child to me?  I'm pretty sure there is no way we can be talking about the same C-Man, maybe you have more than one in your class and you are mistaken mine for this other mild manner and good C-Man who listens."

So, I bring home this alien C-Man.  "Hmmm, he listens.  Not only does he listen, but he's a good listener."  These are the thoughts that go through my mind on my drive home.  This is news to me, and I am completely baffled.  I make it a point to figure out who this new "listening" C-Man belongs to so that his mom doesn't miss him.  But, maybe not, it would be nice to have a child who listens to me.

Then we get home.  All of a sudden C-Man is running around the house, pulling out all his toys, screaming at me to get him this, get him that, I don't want to say please, just do it, bouncing off the walls.

Where is this quiet and listening C-Man that his teacher spoke of?  I want that C-Man.  How do I get this listening C-Man?  Is she just giving me the right C-Man and giving me the wrong message on how the day went?

After careful consideration I decide to talk to the experts.  Off to discuss this particular dilemma with my other mom friends.  

Yep, it's just as I suspected.  School apparently has this weird mind altering program that they do to your children while you are at home so that they listen.  Unfortunately, when you come to pick them up, they turn it off, and you are given the monster you dropped off.

This doesn't seem fair.  How is it that they get to have the good C-Man who listens?  

Who else drops off their non-listening child only to come pick them up to learn that the powers that be ensure they are only good at school?  Tell me your story.

Mmmmm, Clean Baby

Now I know I'm not the only one, but my kids are still young enough that I like them to keep their baby smell.  Mmmmm, there's nothing better than to cuddle with your kids after a bath and soak in their scent.

C-Man and Mar-Mar both have eczema.  The problem is, neither one of them will sit still long enough for me to rub lotion on them.  Too busy with the evil hostile takeover my house I suspect.

To keep the baby smell, while keeping the kids skin smooth and eczema breakout free, I found a wonderful product.  Canus Lil' Goat's Milk Shampoo & Body Wash.  I literally LOVE this stuff!!!

The reviews say that the smell is strong, and it is at first.  But, it lasts forever.  So, if your kids have eczema, like mine do, and you avoid daily baths so that you don't dry out their skin, this stuff is amazing.

Some reviews say that the Lil Goat's Milk smells like lemons, but I think it has a hint of a light lavender to it.  And after my kids have a bath with it, I just want to curl up with them all night long and drink in their scent.

Another reason I love Lil Goat's Milk Shampoo & Body Wash, it lasts forever.  Ok, so maybe not forever, but it lasts quite awhile in my house.  Pac-Man thinks we save money by not buying the overpriced bubble bath, so instead, we buy this Lil Goat's Milk.  Sure, it seems like a lot, but Pac-Man uses it as a bubble bath too.

Don't get me wrong, I like Johnson & Johnson.  I grew up with the stuff.  But, the additives in it create an eczema breakout with C-Man and Mar-Mar.  Couple that with the fact that when Pac-Man adds the additional job of bubble bath to the body wash and shampoo of the Johnson & Johnson, I'm lucky to get a months use out of it.  So, I stay away from it.

I buy a bottle of Lil Goat's Milk Shampoo & Body Wash and it has lasted me 3 months.  It's thick, so when you're using it, a little goes a long way.  And, if Pac-Man didn't double it as a bubble bath for the kids, I imagine we could get at least another 2 months out of it.  

The scent and the longevity of Lil Goat's Milk make it worth the price.  This momster gives it 2 thumbs up.

The fact that it is the only tearless shampoo that we've used that the kids actually tout as being tear free means Lil Goat's Milk also gets an A+ from C-Man and Mar-Mar.  And, in the grand scheme of things, if they like it, Momster likes it (within reason).

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Proverbial Back-to-School Mom

Mom's who are sending their children to school for the first time, remember when you were told, "it will be harder on you than it is on them."?  Of course, you don't believe it, why should you.  That's your baby, and he or she only wants you.  School has nothing on you.

Well, I'm here to tell you, it's true!!!  Aaaahhhh!!!  It's so true that I am literally in tears right now.  Of course, this doesn't stop future mom's from going through the same argument when they become the proverbial back-to-school mom.  No matter how many times you hear it, you will never believe it until it happens to you, and it won't stop the sting of heartbreak as you stifle the blubbering mess that you want to be as you rush out of your child's classroom before anyone notices you.

Of course, let me tell you what's going through everyone's mind when they see you.  Cause, just to let you know, that sparkle in your eye, yep, everyone knows that those are your tears that are about to overflow.  That is their first sign, "new to school mom."  You may as well have walked into school with it tattooed on your forehead.  It's like a beacon flashing in the dead of night.

So, here you are, sitting in the classroom with your oldest child, first time at school, and it comes.  They start to play and you're hovering over them like they're going to break down any moment and you will be forced to take them home with you.  Nice and safe.  Aaahhh, yes, you can feel it coming, any second now.  "Mom, go away, I'm trying to play."

"But, but, but..." you're at a loss.  What happened to your innocent baby.  You could've sworn that you just brought him home yesterday.  You can still smell that baby smell, remember the nights you stayed up until the break of dawn wishing for them to get older so they would sleep through the night.  Why, why did you have to wish for an older child?  All you want now is to make your baby tiny again, and rush out of the classroom without breaking down completely.  

Then the whispers, "Look, new mom over there.  First time at school.  How much you want to bet she's going to lose it before she gets out of here?  Yep, should've listened to the warnings.  Clearly she was under the impression that she was more important than school."

So, today, yes, I am the proverbial back-to-school mom.  The first timer.  I must say though, I am proud of myself.  When dropping off C-Man for his first day of Pre-K I was able to hold off the water works until after I got to the car and Mar-Mar and I were heading home.

Now, I sit here, watching both my phone and clock like a hawk.  Is it time to leave yet to go pick up C-Man?  Maybe they'll call me because he suddenly realizes he needs me with him constantly for all eternity.  I can't leave my house before it's time to leave cause I'm certain that C-Man will decide he can't be without me, and I will need to rush to his rescue when I get the call.

After all, C-Man looks like he will hate school and will need me to rescue him, doesn't he?!?!?!?

Who is the proverbial first time back-to-school mom this year?  What are your tricks to hold back those tears?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Momster's Nightmare

Every mom has nightmares, and Momster here, I'm no different.  My kids find new and inventive ways to give me nightmares.  My goal with this blog is to share those nightmares sometimes.  Not for the shear embarrassment of my family, but just so someone can laugh and say, "Finally, someone admits that it's not all roses and butterflies once you become a mom." 

Well folks, today is one of those days when my blissful existence in motherhood was shaken to its core.

Today was a simple day.  It's the day before C-Man heads off into the life of school and friends.  We didn't have much planned, but our day was still pretty busy.  Do one last summer play date with another family before school starts, come back home to straighten up (well, at least my living room, my dishes are still in my sink.  They are my nemesis), make lunch, and after lunch Mar-Mar has in-home speech therapy.

So here I am, Momster, easy going, blissfully happy in my mom world.  We had a great play date, we're home now and I'm randomly straightening up the toys in my living room as I make lunch.  

My final entrance into the living room leaves me...stunned.  Mar-Mar runs up to me gleefully squealing covered in...I don't know.  "Mar-Mar, what's all over you?"  Then the smell!!!

Mar-Mar was dressed in a dress this morning, and she likes to take her diaper off from time to time.  I thought I was safe today since she hadn't even made the move yet.  Hahaha, Mar-Mar was quick to remind me why she gets diaper covers or pants on over her diapers.

Mar-Mar had taken her diaper off.  It's just a little wet, no big deal.  But, this wet diaper is tossed to the side, while Mar-Mar is covered in...dun-dun-dun...poop!!!

My mom panic goes off in overdrive.  Where is the poop?  Why are you covered in it?  What am I going to do?

Mar-Mar is blissfully unaware of the reasoning behind my panic.  She just thinks it's funny to send me into a full fledged panic.  Mar-Mar is covered in poop.  It is smeared down the front of her dress, on her legs, up her arms, in her hair, all over her face.  I'm still searching for the origin of this poopscapade.

To the hidden corner of the couch I go.  This is where we have a short little side table there.  Aha, I have found the origin.  Poop is smeared all over this side table.  We also have a few blankets in a chest that sit next to the side table.  Poop is all over my blankets, on my floor.

I am now in mom overdrive.  Off comes the dress, and we are booking it to the back of the house and getting in the tub.  Now, both my kids are some rare form of alien, as they actually love the bath.  They beg me several times a day every single day to take a bath.  So, the fact that Mar-Mar is being tossed into the tub starts an onslaught of temper tantrums from C-Man.  "Why does Mar-Mar get to take a bath?  I want to take a bath?  It's not fair."

I am still in my panic state.  The water gets turned on, and I don't even bother filling the tub.  I am feverishly scrubbing Mar-Mar with her soap and washing her hair, rinse her off, smell her to make sure that she smells like my favorite baby wash....aaaahhhhh, lovely.  

Towel dry, diaper, and clothe her again.  Now, the mess!!!  What to do with the kids so they don't make it a bigger mess and ensure a second bath?!?!?

Nice, Pac-Man has created two playrooms for the little monsters, so in they go.  Shut the door since they can't open it and off to clean I go.  

The great part of this nightmare is that Mar-Mar's speech therapy has not even started yet.  Which means I am frantically trying to clean up a poopscapade mess before her therapist gets here for her weekly therapy.  

Twenty minutes later, success.  But, now, my house smells like a dirty diaper.  Gah!!!!

Discuss my dramatic middle of the day excursions with some of my mom friends, and was given the suggestion...put some vanilla and cinnamon on the stove. 

Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!  Nice smelling house once again...all before the inevitable intrusion of my house.

What are your mom nightmares?  I want to hear the frightening things your little monsters have put you through?  How did you cope?

Back to School Shopping Extravaganza

Now, I know that back-to-school can be bittersweet for other mom's out there for the simple fact that they are done with the "Mom, I'm bored" while at the same time want to keep their kids at home.  Another year means our kids are growing up.  But, what about the inevitable dip in the pocketbook?

This is C-Man's first year going to school.  I'm nervous, excited, and all the normal first time mommy stuff when it comes to sending my kids to school.  And while Pac-Man and I have made the personal decision to send C-Man to a private school in our area, I'm told it doesn't matter...private school or public school, the cost of going back to school is astronomical.  

While the fees of private schools can be high as it is, those costs are expected.  I know a full year ahead of time what I need to budget for, and how I'm going to make those payments.  But, school supplies for the year, WOW!!!

Forget the fact that you're buying everything for your child from notebooks to markers, crayons to pencils, backpacks to lunchboxes, and so much more.  Luckily I waited until this past weekend when Wal-Mart was having a great sale on crayons and markers (¢.25 for markers and ¢.50 for crayons).  Unfortunately for the unassuming back-to-school shopper, this GREAT deal on crayons and markers, and sometimes some of the other supplies, are on items that you can't get.  The crayons and markers were just your average joe crayons and can color on everything and they stick.  Unfortunately for me, the crayons and markers that were required on my back-to-school shopping list were all washable.  Simple enough until you realize that they don't carry the washable versions in the sale product, insert doom music at the realization that you are about to pay the $2 for every single box off crayons and markers that you need. 

Granted, the $2 per box doesn't seem like a lot when you're looking at them, you sit there inspecting them, "Oh well, I guess I'm buying the Crayola $2 box, and $2 is super cheap still anyways."  That is until you look at your supply list that your child's teacher gave to you and you must buy 3 boxes of those $2 crayons and 3 boxes of those $2 markers.  Now we're at $12 for just markers and crayons and we haven't even made a dent in the rest of the stuff.

Now, insert the fact that during the summer your kid either outgrew his or her clothes, or they are no longer suitable to wear in public since they wore them down to the thread all summer.  Now you must purchase a new wardrobe on top of the dreaded school supply list.

This new school wardrobe I thought was going to be the end of me.  Clothes are expensive enough for me.  They're more expensive for my kids, which will always baffle me since they use less fabric to comprise their clothes.  I've already spent a good $100 on the school supply list, and now I'm about to wander into the doomed world of school clothes.

This is the start of my panic attack.  Not only am I admitting that my first baby is ready to go off to school, but now I am putting this massive dent in my pocketbook, and there seems to be no end to the destruction that it will have each school year for the next foreseeable 14 years for the C-Man, and it will only be a matter of time before Mar-Mar enters the school zone.  Aaaahhhh!!!  

Insert my saving grace, the clearance section!!  You know, that little section of out of season clothes, or the clothes the company no longer carries, the designs have been replaced, or whatever.  Some clearance sections may as well be paying full price.  A clearance sale to me is not paying $20 for a $30 shirt.  But, when you step into places like Old Navy (sorry, this is the only place I ventured into for my back-to-school wardrobe shopping this year lest I have yet another back-to-school panic attack), you are greeted with not only cute options in the clearance section, but a reassurance that your pocketbook won't be hurt too much.

Going to the clearance section was much like going to a consignment store, only the clothes were guaranteed to be brand new.  I love consignment shops, you get nice clothes, sometimes new clothes with tags still on, for great prices.  The clearance rack at Old Navy is like those consignment store prices.  We got shorts for $2.50, shirts for $3.49, and a pair of pants for $10 (ok, the pants weren't in the clearance section, they were just on sale).  Insert happy dance that I was able to walk out of Old Navy's clearance section with a full new wardrobe for the C-Man with less than $50.

What are your back-to-school horror stories?  What drives you to the back-to-school panic attack?  What is your back-to-school saving grace advice?

Monday, August 27, 2012


What is the most rewarding part of parenthood?  Yeah, I was thinking it was the inevitable phase where your children make you realize, "hey, I'm not as smart as I thought I was."  This, in my house, are the days of the why!!!

For the past week I have been dealing with the curse of the "why's" with C-Man.  Everything is a "why?" or a "how?", maybe even a "where?" from time to time.  And, when the curse of the "why's" start, you might think, "hey, I got this, these why's are easy."  But then, the tough one's come.  This is what I like google for.  Seriously, what can you not find through google?!?

So, C-Man hit me up with the why, what, where, how barrage this week.  "What's a kiwi?"  See, it starts off simple, this is to trick you into thinking you can answer any question with grace and ease and impress your offspring with how smart mommy is.

And then it comes, the instant they've been waiting for, how to make mommy realize she's not the smartest person in the world!!!

"Where do kiwi's grow?", "What's a bush?", "What's a plant?", "What makes up the ground?", "Why is it called dirt?", "What are clouds made of?", "Why is the sky blue?", "What are light waves?", "What is air?", "Why is it called oxygen?", "How do you make oxygen?", "Can I make oxygen?", "Why do trees make oxygen?", "Why can't trees talk?", "Where's Opie's mom?", "How did I get in your belly when I was a baby?"

Yes, some of the questions seem small and innocent.  Most of them might even be able to be answered without the help of the internet google search.  But, most of the time, they come at you so fast you are left spinning and dazed.  Other questions you realize you understand and know the answer, but go through a battle in your head, "do I answer this question or ignore the fact that it was even asked?  If I ignore it will he realize I didn't answer it, or will I win and he'll completely forget the question was even asked altogether."

My world, it's never that simple.  C-Man's memory is better than my computer, so when I try to hide the questions that I don't want to answer, he just barrages me more with more impossible questions.

So, let's hear it.  Leave a comment with the impossible why's.  What are the who, what, why, how questions of your children?

I Speak for the Trees

Am I the only one who remembers the Lorax from the 1972 TV special?  Granted, I was not a 70's child, but I do remember the TV special being run in the 80's as well.

Back then, the Lorax was a cute little TV movie.  One where the Once-ler was merely a voice and a hand that we saw through a Suess type building.  We're taken through various scenes of the Once-ler's fight with the Lorax about the plight of trees as he, the Once-ler, builds factories and cuts down the beloved Truffula Tree to make a Thneed.

In the 2012 version of the Lorax, the theme isn't too much different.  The Once-ler, though we see him as a full person now rather than a voice, is destroying a forest community of fun-loving critters when he is plagued by the annoying presence of the Lorax.

Key differences in the story line that I saw.  This movie has been turned from the main story of the Once-ler's destruction of the forest to a boy, named Ted's, need to impress a girl with a tree...a real tree.

Ted and Audrey are two teenage kids who live in a fake community, Thneedville.  Everything is manufactured there; the air, the trees, the snow.  And, according to the opening song, everyone prefers it this way.  That is until you cue in Audrey.

After discussing with Ted how she would fall in love with any guy right on the spot for getting her a tree, a real Truffula Tree, Ted sets out to find a tree.  This is where the Once-ler comes into play.

In order to get a tree, Ted must listen to a bitter man, left alone outside the luxuries of the manufactured city of Thneedville, among the smog and destruction, tell his story of how he destroyed every living tree.

And, what's a movie nowadays without a big conflict?!?!

Mr. O'Hare makes a living off of selling manufactured fresh air to the people of Thneedville.  This community direly needs this man, as he supplies them with fresh air.  So, when he discovers that Ted is leaving the confines of Thneedville to learn more about trees, he makes it his business to stop Ted.  After all, trees make air for free.  If Ted is able to acquire this so-called tree, then Mr. O'Hare is out of business for good.

As far as the movie goes, it seems the only thing the two movies have in common is the Once-ler, the Lorax, and the message.  Other than that, the story seems to go in a different direction as to how to go about getting these trees.  And it seems more like a young love story in the beginning, until Ted realizes the importance of these trees.

Now, when it comes to movies, I'm pretty old school.  I don't usually think that you can better a movie that I liked.  And, I loved watching the Lorax TV special when it came on.

However, this Lorax was a favorite of my kids.  So much so that after the rental was up, Pac-Man and I decided to purchase the Lorax for C-Man and Mar-Mar.  They even sit still for it through the entire movie.  That right there makes this movie worth it's weight in gold.

While, as a mother, I'm not too keen on turning a movie with a serious message into a love story, the new 2012 Lorax movie is cute, fun, and seems easier for my younger children to follow.  So, it appears that it's time for this Momster to hang up her prejudices of this particular movie.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Who Doesn't Like A Giveaway????

I'm new to this blogging world, but who doesn't like a giveaway of a free product???

Something you may not know about me is that I am a budding artist.  One of favorite ways to be creative is to take old vinyl records and re-purpose them into new art.  So, for this giveaway, I am going to give away one of my beloved vinyl art.

This vinyl art is a butterfly done with the artist Sheila E., and is affixed with a sawtooth hook to hang on your wall.

So, what's the deal?  How do you get this art?  What are the rules?

Rules & Guidelines:
1.  In order to be considered for this giveaway, you must be a follower.  
2.  Comment on this post and I will respond with a # for this specific giveaway
3.  Want more than 1 entry?

  • Like my Facebook page, Home with the Kids, come back here and reply to your comment with fb like
  • Share this giveaway on fb, come back here and reply to comment with fb share
  • Blog about the giveaway on your blog, come back here and reply to your comment with blogged and a link to your blog.
4.  Giveaway will run from 8/26/2012 until midnight EST 9/9/2012
5.  All numbers will be entered into a random drawing.  If you entered more than once, your number will be entered into the drawing the appropriate number of entries.
6.  The winner will be selected at random and announced by 5pm EST 9/10/2012
7.  The winner will have until midnight EST 9/15/2012 to contact me with contact information to ship giveaway prize.
8.  In the event that the winner does not contact me by deadline, a new winner will be drawn at random by 5pm EST 9/17/2012

With that, let the giveaway begin.

Lock Out

When you have young kids that become toddlers, you notice that they start exploring their world more.  Much to your dismay, this exploring means getting into things you'd rather they not.  For me, it's the fridge.

So, I purchased this nifty little Fridge Lock.  Looks simple enough and the reviews would have you believe this a pretty great product with only a few bad eggs.  Doesn't it look simple, plain, and easy to understand?

So, Mar-Mar, as explained in my introduction of Momster, is Eevil Kneevil reincarnate.  She also happens to think that doing things that I don't want her to do are more enticing than the things that I do allow her to do.  So, this becomes a game to her.  "Uh-oh, I know how to open the fridge now and Momster says no, better start going into overdrive and doing it constantly."  I'm pretty sure this is what goes through Mar-Mar's head when she learns of a place or thing that I don't want her to frequent, as she consistently goes to the fridge and opens it with a malicious smile on her face.  Once she is caught and sees Momster coming for her, she high tails it out of there laughing and screaming with glee.  Insert alien invaders trying to take over my house.

Now I, as Momster, guardian of the house, decide that it is now time to invest in a Fridge Lock, and this particular one seems innocent and simple enough with enough positive reviews and a light enough cost that I don't think it will hurt our pocket book too much.  Plunge into the world of Fridge Locks I go.  

I'm sort of in the middle of nowhere, so I do most of my shopping on Amazon.  LOVE the site.  That place has just about everything a mom could dream of, and the prices aren't bad.  The two-day shipping is my favorite.

This Fridge Lock has been reviewed as thwarting the best efforts of toddlers and dogs alike.  What?!?  You're dog can get in the fridge?!?!?  What a smart dog.  Those are the thoughts that are going through my head as I determine that, at that cost, I can definitely go for this Fridge Lock, after all, it can thwart dogs from getting into your fridge.

Two days after I place my order, I get my new and amazing Fridge Lock in the mail.  Well, mail is a loose term, the UPS guy delivered it to my front door.  I am happy and giddy Momster.  But, alas, the directions say that upon installation, I must keep the Fridge Lock unlocked for 24 hours as the adhesive molds itself to the fridge, locking itself into place.  After those 24 hours are up, you should have an impenetrable Fridge Lock.

Well, alright, I will wait the 24 hours you require because it can thwart dogs and toddlers alike.  Anything that can thwart dogs and toddlers alike must be a good product.

Fast forward to 24 hours later.  I'm excited and ready to get my Fridge Lock on.  Mar-Mar is down for her nap at the end of this 24 hour period, so I excitedly lock the fridge.  C-Man attempts to get in and his efforts are thwarted.  Yes, Success!!!!  Evil alien invasion by the 4-year old is thwarted.  No way is the mastermind of all evil alien invasions going to by-pass it.  After all, she is a mere 20-month old.

Awaken Mar-Mar she does from her nap.  Her first stop, the fridge.  At her failed attempt to get into my fridge Mar-Mar seems stunned.  As she inspects the fridge she finds the Fridge Lock.  "Hahaha!!!  Momster has tricked you, no more fridge shenanigans for you."  At least this is my thought.

Now, I am just like any other mom.  I'm pretty sure that I not only birthed, but also raised the smartest kids that walk the planet Earth.  No need to deny it, I know you think the same thing of your children as well.

This is where Mar-Mar ensures that I know she is more genius than Albert Einstein himself.  After inspection of the new Fridge Lock that I bought on the sole review of thwarting toddlers and dogs alike, she merely sits on the floor in front of the fridge, looks at me with her malicious smile.  You know the smile, that one where you know the wheels in their heads are turning, and you're about to lose the battle you thought you had previously won.  Pulling at the bottom corner of the fridge, Mar-Mar snaps the supposed iron clad bonds of the Fridge Lock from the fridge.

While I don't doubt the inner workings of this Fridge Lock, as it has undoubtedly thwarted dogs and toddlers alike from previous reviews, it did not thwart Mar-Mar.  So, if you are breeding and raising some form of genius alien spawn, as there is no doubt in my mind that I am, this Fridge Lock is not for you.  If you are breeding a far less superior brand of human, and, let me tell you, I don't know a parent who says "why yes, my child is less superior, they are no genius." then this lock may work for you.

My end result....Mar-Mar: 1 vs Momster: 0 

Who is Momster?

Well, since this blog is new, I should probably introduce myself.  I wish I could say I was this self-indulgent person who can easily talk about myself and sing my praises, but alas, I am but a mere mortal and never know what to say when talking about who I am  ☻.

For all intents purposes, I'm Momster ☻.  Why am I Momster?  Well, I am a mom to two wonderful children who have decided that I must be a monster most of the time as I thwart their best efforts to take over the house like the alien invaders they have now become known as.

Let's see.  I am a 32-year-old woman who served for 5 years in the Air Force.  At the tender age of 19, I thought, "Wow, wouldn't it be cool to join the military and see the world?  Not go to war, I won't do that, but yeah, to see the world."  Haha, if only.  While, I was luckier than most, and did not head out to any war zones, my exotic travels took me to my one and only base station for 5 years in Enid, Oklahoma.  Now, let me tell you, you have not seen exotic until you've seen Enid.  After all, did you know Enid, Oklahoma has honorable mentions in at least 2 movies that I've seen?  Twister with Helen Hunt and Jurassic Park 3, the one with William H. Macy.

Speaking of William H. Macy, does anyone ever wonder how he landed Felicity Huffman from Desperate Houswives?  ☻

Well, I digress.  Needless to say, I got out and met my husband, Pac-Man.  Pac-Man and I have been together for 7 years and married for 4 years.  Not to be out done, during wedding planning, my son, C-Man, decided that it would be a good idea to grace us with his presence.  So, half way to our wedding, we learn that we are pregnant and our due date is 2 days after our wedding date.  

It's important to note, I'm a stubborn mule.  Despite being told that moving our wedding to a later date would be acceptable considering the odds, and my maid of honor telling me that my water better not break on her shoes as we're standing at the alter, I was determined that wedding plans would continue as planned.  Even if I went into labor during the ceremony, I would be a rock star and muddle through each contraction until the inevitable kiss, and bid everyone farewell and happy partying for my wedding.

Luckily, C-Man had other plans and was born 9 days before my wedding day.  I'm small framed, so the fact that I fit into my wedding dress, according to friends and family does not seem like an impossible situation.  And, to be at my wedding, and seeing that I fit into the dress that had been purchased and sized before my inevitable basketball sized midsection, it seemed nearly impossible to those that don't know me.  Well, friends and family who know me, that dress fitting me was a miracle that meant someone was looking out for me.  The fact that I didn't look like I had just given birth did not stop the fact that my wedding dress did not fit me just 2 days prior.  I was nervous the day of since 2 days earlier I couldn't even get that sucker past my hips.

But, this little man, totally worth it ☻.  C-Man is now 4-years-old and heading off to Pre-K come Wednesday.  Much to his dismay, he won't be allowed to pick out his school clothes, as the way he is pictured, that is his idea of getting dressed for the day.

So, Pac-Man, C-Man and I were trudging around this thing called life happily and blissfully unaware of the universe and what it had in store for us when....BAM!!!  2 years later, Momster is pregnant again.  Just like my pregnancy with C-Man, Pac-Man and I did not find out the sex of the baby until birth.  

Let me tell you, if you really want to annoy friends and family, hey, even if you want to annoy complete strangers, and have them all look at you like you have just sprouted 10 heads, tell them that you are waiting until the birth of your child to figure out if you're having a boy or a girl.  I'm not sure if they truly thought that by not finding out the sex if that would definitely set me up to birth some weird form of monkey/human spawn or another weird animal concoction, but, it seemed to not only annoy everyone, but also left everyone stunned.

Mar-Mar was due to grace us with her presence on Christmas Day.  At this time, I'm already a mom to a 2 1/2 year old boy, no way am I going to be in the hospital giving birth on the second most important day of his life.  And, I thought Mar-Mar agreed when I started going into labor.  Unfortunately for me, this is the moment that I was sure a girl had invaded my body, as I was in non-progressive labor for 2 weeks!!!!  Let me tell you, I've had Braxton-Hicks, and I wish I could say it was those.  Nope, we even went to the hospital sure that it was time, and got hooked up to the fun machine to tell me that I was in fact, in labor...after a few checks within the span of 3 hours, it was determined it was non-progressive.  

Finally, Mar-Mar decided to come, 4 days before Christmas and her inevitable due date.  She's gorgeous, fun-loving, extroverted, and pretty sure she is Eevil Kneevil reincarnate, at 20-months-old. 

Well, that's me in a nutshell.  I'm a stay at home mom to those two beautiful children.  They test my boundaries and patience every single day.  Which is pretty much what this blog is.  It's a daily of what goes on in the life of a stay at home mom.  My joys, my trials, my tribulations, my "OMG, if these kids don't stop I may rip all my hair out." moments.  Sort of a place for everyone to see that, yes, my kids do that too.

You will find funny saying that my kids say.  Right now Mar-Mar is in speech therapy as she has a speech delay, so C-Man is the only one who will be gracing us with his verbal antics, which, trust me, will be plenty. We can all definitely wait for Mar-Mar to talk.  C-Man is my shy one and Mar-Mar is more like her daddy. Pac-Man has never met a stranger and can talk a doorknob into boredom, and once Mar-Mar starts talking, I'm sure she will follow in daddy's footsteps.

Another thing I would like to accomplish with this of products.  I am somewhat of a review "whore".  Yeah, that's a bad word, sorry.  But, how else do you explain it?  Since becoming a Momster, I scour reviews of products before I buy them.  I want to know if it's going to be worth my money.  And, if out of 10 reviews 6 people are saying that it blows chunks, I'm definitely not going to waste my money.  But, alas, people are either not reviewing their products they purchase cause they don't have time, or they just don't care.  And the reviews that they do have, a lot of them are...lacking.  I.E.  "This X product sucks because it didn't work like it said."  That's great, but what about it didn't work?!?!

So, I will be trying to post a daily interaction of my day, cause hey, since having kids, my life has become interesting, or at least I like to think so ☻.  And I will do another post, in which I review a product.  Yes, there are hyper-links.  Go ahead, click on them, or don't click on them.  It doesn't hurt you or me.  From time to time, I will do contests as well of products.  Don't worry, I'll only do contests of products that I approve of ☻.

I just ask, if you follow me, give me some time to get my blogging shoes wet so to speak.  This is all new to me, and I'm still trying to find my place in this world ☻.  Happy reading, and I'll see you in the next blog.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mom Needs A Break

Every stay at home mom needs a break from time to time.  Not every one can be a super hero all hours of the day.  For my less than stellar moments, I escape to the world of my Kindle Fire.  What's not to love about this product?

 One thing you may not know about me, I co-sleep with the C-man and Mar-Mar. I love the family bed, although I know it's not for everyone. That means catching up on tv shows during bedtime is not always feasible. But, I can relax with a nice book without having a light on. I love the Kindle Fire. With it's backlight, the Kindle Fire is my best friend.

I know, I know, ebooks are the latest craze, and whatever happened to the feel of having a real book in your hands, turning the pages?  I won't lie, I love the smell of an old friend to curl up with, or with a new friend.  I was reluctant to plunge into the world of ereaders as well.  I understand the hesitation.

But, I started going to school online.  Online schools are starting to offer their books as ebooks to save students money.  Sounds great, right?  Except that it was driving me crazy to switch tabs on the computer screen during discussions for classes, doing assignments, writing papers, etc.  It was Pac-Man who suggested that I get an ereader because, you can download the ebooks offered through school onto your ereader.  How brilliant, it's like having the book right there without paying the astronomical book fees.  The $199 plus free shipping for the Kindle Fire was the only cost that I paid in order to have my online college ebooks more easily accessible to me.

Not to mention the free books and the library.  You can "rent" a book from the library on Amazon, and there is a plethora of free books to download to your Kindle Fire.  I myself have found an array of new authors that I would never have given a second glance to.  Why?  Probably because publishers are very hard to please when it comes to new authors.  But, Amazon is new author friendly.  With a love of writing, and an Amazon account, budding authors can finally get their work out to the masses, often times for free to establish a fan base.

Another love I have for the Kindle Fire, it's kid-friendly.  Yes, it is C-Man approved.  There are applications that you can downloads you can get.  We have a free download on to our Kindle Fire that reads books to the C-Man.  It is perfect for long days out on errands.  The C-Man can get restless, as any child can, when we are out for extended periods.  When I know we're going to be out for long, I throw the Kindle Fire into my diaper bag for the day so that when C-Man starts to get restless I can pull it out.  With the touch screen he can easily navigate the Kindle to his application and is quickly listening to a new book.  It gives me just that extra bit of time to finish up whatever we're doing, whether it be my meal, paying our bill, or finishing a discussion with a doctor or someone else we are visiting with.

What are your thoughts on ereaders?  Do you have a Kindle Fire?  How do you like it?  I want to hear from you.

Getting Ready For Back to School

It's that time of year again, and I am finding myself getting my oldest child ready to go to school for the first time.  It is a bittersweet time for my house, as it is for every household.  The C-Man, my wonderfully fun and creative 4-year old son, is getting ready to embark in Pre-K.  Recently he was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder since he has a hard time handling new situations.

I feel like a nervous Nelly.  Here I am, a stay at home mom for over 4 years now, and I am sending my son away for the very first time.  We've never been a part, and his first day of school is going to be a full day, 8am until 2:30pm.  I have all the normal fears of sending my son to school.

Will he cry and glom onto me when I try to leave him in his classroom with his teacher?  Will he completely shut down as he's known to do in new situations?  Will he decide that he no longer wants me around?  Will he be ok, and I'm just making it worse than it really is?  What if he enjoys school more than his time with mom?  LOL!  The typical mom fears where I want not only for my son to go to school to make new friends, learn new things, and just separate himself from me, but I also want to keep him with me and my baby for all time.

Today we are preparing for school.  Pac-Man has headed off for a half day of work, and afterwards we are heading out to the wonders of Wal-Mart to finish our back to school shopping.  Markers for .25¢ crayons for .50¢, what isn't to love about the back to school sales of Wal-Mart.

My petite son also finally needs new clothes.  The C-Man is a petite 4-year-old, yet healthy, just on his own scale.  He's got his momma's genes.  But, he no longer fits in his 2T pants, finally needing 3T pants.  He has the tiniest waist that 2T's would probably still fit him if he wasn't getting taller.  So now it's time to update his wardrobe with the customary new clothes for back to school, as well as new sweatpants for his dance classes that also resume after labor day.

What are some ways you celebrate back to school?  Are you a seasoned mom, well versed in the back to school send off, eager to get rid of the constant barrage of "Mom, I'm bored, there's nothing to do?", or are you a new back to school mom feeling teary eyed and nostalgic about your baby heading off to school for the first time?  What are your tips and tricks for surviving the back to school season?