Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lock Out

When you have young kids that become toddlers, you notice that they start exploring their world more.  Much to your dismay, this exploring means getting into things you'd rather they not.  For me, it's the fridge.

So, I purchased this nifty little Fridge Lock.  Looks simple enough and the reviews would have you believe this a pretty great product with only a few bad eggs.  Doesn't it look simple, plain, and easy to understand?

So, Mar-Mar, as explained in my introduction of Momster, is Eevil Kneevil reincarnate.  She also happens to think that doing things that I don't want her to do are more enticing than the things that I do allow her to do.  So, this becomes a game to her.  "Uh-oh, I know how to open the fridge now and Momster says no, better start going into overdrive and doing it constantly."  I'm pretty sure this is what goes through Mar-Mar's head when she learns of a place or thing that I don't want her to frequent, as she consistently goes to the fridge and opens it with a malicious smile on her face.  Once she is caught and sees Momster coming for her, she high tails it out of there laughing and screaming with glee.  Insert alien invaders trying to take over my house.

Now I, as Momster, guardian of the house, decide that it is now time to invest in a Fridge Lock, and this particular one seems innocent and simple enough with enough positive reviews and a light enough cost that I don't think it will hurt our pocket book too much.  Plunge into the world of Fridge Locks I go.  

I'm sort of in the middle of nowhere, so I do most of my shopping on Amazon.  LOVE the site.  That place has just about everything a mom could dream of, and the prices aren't bad.  The two-day shipping is my favorite.

This Fridge Lock has been reviewed as thwarting the best efforts of toddlers and dogs alike.  What?!?  You're dog can get in the fridge?!?!?  What a smart dog.  Those are the thoughts that are going through my head as I determine that, at that cost, I can definitely go for this Fridge Lock, after all, it can thwart dogs from getting into your fridge.

Two days after I place my order, I get my new and amazing Fridge Lock in the mail.  Well, mail is a loose term, the UPS guy delivered it to my front door.  I am happy and giddy Momster.  But, alas, the directions say that upon installation, I must keep the Fridge Lock unlocked for 24 hours as the adhesive molds itself to the fridge, locking itself into place.  After those 24 hours are up, you should have an impenetrable Fridge Lock.

Well, alright, I will wait the 24 hours you require because it can thwart dogs and toddlers alike.  Anything that can thwart dogs and toddlers alike must be a good product.

Fast forward to 24 hours later.  I'm excited and ready to get my Fridge Lock on.  Mar-Mar is down for her nap at the end of this 24 hour period, so I excitedly lock the fridge.  C-Man attempts to get in and his efforts are thwarted.  Yes, Success!!!!  Evil alien invasion by the 4-year old is thwarted.  No way is the mastermind of all evil alien invasions going to by-pass it.  After all, she is a mere 20-month old.

Awaken Mar-Mar she does from her nap.  Her first stop, the fridge.  At her failed attempt to get into my fridge Mar-Mar seems stunned.  As she inspects the fridge she finds the Fridge Lock.  "Hahaha!!!  Momster has tricked you, no more fridge shenanigans for you."  At least this is my thought.

Now, I am just like any other mom.  I'm pretty sure that I not only birthed, but also raised the smartest kids that walk the planet Earth.  No need to deny it, I know you think the same thing of your children as well.

This is where Mar-Mar ensures that I know she is more genius than Albert Einstein himself.  After inspection of the new Fridge Lock that I bought on the sole review of thwarting toddlers and dogs alike, she merely sits on the floor in front of the fridge, looks at me with her malicious smile.  You know the smile, that one where you know the wheels in their heads are turning, and you're about to lose the battle you thought you had previously won.  Pulling at the bottom corner of the fridge, Mar-Mar snaps the supposed iron clad bonds of the Fridge Lock from the fridge.

While I don't doubt the inner workings of this Fridge Lock, as it has undoubtedly thwarted dogs and toddlers alike from previous reviews, it did not thwart Mar-Mar.  So, if you are breeding and raising some form of genius alien spawn, as there is no doubt in my mind that I am, this Fridge Lock is not for you.  If you are breeding a far less superior brand of human, and, let me tell you, I don't know a parent who says "why yes, my child is less superior, they are no genius." then this lock may work for you.

My end result....Mar-Mar: 1 vs Momster: 0 


  1. Can you send it back (the lock, not the baby)??? ;~)

    1. Amazon is actually really good about returns. Even if you do not intend to replace the product with the like, they are usually very good about refunding the money to you. Yet another reason I love them. They make life easy in the world of online shopping.

  2. Lol! Yeah it would probably fail at my house as well. Little Bit can open anything. *facepalm* she can undo all the baby locks in the house. Lol the only thing that has worked with our fridge is rope or a kitchen towel. We have double doors on our fridge and I tie it shut. Of course that didn't stop her from climbing into a chair and trying to unlock it. Ha

  3. My daughter would have popped that bad boy right open too! We should know from medicines that when something says "child-proof" what it really means is "adult-proof"! LOL
