Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Proverbial Back-to-School Mom

Mom's who are sending their children to school for the first time, remember when you were told, "it will be harder on you than it is on them."?  Of course, you don't believe it, why should you.  That's your baby, and he or she only wants you.  School has nothing on you.

Well, I'm here to tell you, it's true!!!  Aaaahhhh!!!  It's so true that I am literally in tears right now.  Of course, this doesn't stop future mom's from going through the same argument when they become the proverbial back-to-school mom.  No matter how many times you hear it, you will never believe it until it happens to you, and it won't stop the sting of heartbreak as you stifle the blubbering mess that you want to be as you rush out of your child's classroom before anyone notices you.

Of course, let me tell you what's going through everyone's mind when they see you.  Cause, just to let you know, that sparkle in your eye, yep, everyone knows that those are your tears that are about to overflow.  That is their first sign, "new to school mom."  You may as well have walked into school with it tattooed on your forehead.  It's like a beacon flashing in the dead of night.

So, here you are, sitting in the classroom with your oldest child, first time at school, and it comes.  They start to play and you're hovering over them like they're going to break down any moment and you will be forced to take them home with you.  Nice and safe.  Aaahhh, yes, you can feel it coming, any second now.  "Mom, go away, I'm trying to play."

"But, but, but..." you're at a loss.  What happened to your innocent baby.  You could've sworn that you just brought him home yesterday.  You can still smell that baby smell, remember the nights you stayed up until the break of dawn wishing for them to get older so they would sleep through the night.  Why, why did you have to wish for an older child?  All you want now is to make your baby tiny again, and rush out of the classroom without breaking down completely.  

Then the whispers, "Look, new mom over there.  First time at school.  How much you want to bet she's going to lose it before she gets out of here?  Yep, should've listened to the warnings.  Clearly she was under the impression that she was more important than school."

So, today, yes, I am the proverbial back-to-school mom.  The first timer.  I must say though, I am proud of myself.  When dropping off C-Man for his first day of Pre-K I was able to hold off the water works until after I got to the car and Mar-Mar and I were heading home.

Now, I sit here, watching both my phone and clock like a hawk.  Is it time to leave yet to go pick up C-Man?  Maybe they'll call me because he suddenly realizes he needs me with him constantly for all eternity.  I can't leave my house before it's time to leave cause I'm certain that C-Man will decide he can't be without me, and I will need to rush to his rescue when I get the call.

After all, C-Man looks like he will hate school and will need me to rescue him, doesn't he?!?!?!?

Who is the proverbial first time back-to-school mom this year?  What are your tricks to hold back those tears?

1 comment:

  1. The fact that he is secure in knowing you will be there for him and he doesn't HAVE to cling to you says that he is developing just as he should. As moms, it's our job to phase ourselves out, so that, ultimately, our children will become self sufficient, successful adults.
