Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mom Needs A Break

Every stay at home mom needs a break from time to time.  Not every one can be a super hero all hours of the day.  For my less than stellar moments, I escape to the world of my Kindle Fire.  What's not to love about this product?

 One thing you may not know about me, I co-sleep with the C-man and Mar-Mar. I love the family bed, although I know it's not for everyone. That means catching up on tv shows during bedtime is not always feasible. But, I can relax with a nice book without having a light on. I love the Kindle Fire. With it's backlight, the Kindle Fire is my best friend.

I know, I know, ebooks are the latest craze, and whatever happened to the feel of having a real book in your hands, turning the pages?  I won't lie, I love the smell of an old friend to curl up with, or with a new friend.  I was reluctant to plunge into the world of ereaders as well.  I understand the hesitation.

But, I started going to school online.  Online schools are starting to offer their books as ebooks to save students money.  Sounds great, right?  Except that it was driving me crazy to switch tabs on the computer screen during discussions for classes, doing assignments, writing papers, etc.  It was Pac-Man who suggested that I get an ereader because, you can download the ebooks offered through school onto your ereader.  How brilliant, it's like having the book right there without paying the astronomical book fees.  The $199 plus free shipping for the Kindle Fire was the only cost that I paid in order to have my online college ebooks more easily accessible to me.

Not to mention the free books and the library.  You can "rent" a book from the library on Amazon, and there is a plethora of free books to download to your Kindle Fire.  I myself have found an array of new authors that I would never have given a second glance to.  Why?  Probably because publishers are very hard to please when it comes to new authors.  But, Amazon is new author friendly.  With a love of writing, and an Amazon account, budding authors can finally get their work out to the masses, often times for free to establish a fan base.

Another love I have for the Kindle Fire, it's kid-friendly.  Yes, it is C-Man approved.  There are applications that you can downloads you can get.  We have a free download on to our Kindle Fire that reads books to the C-Man.  It is perfect for long days out on errands.  The C-Man can get restless, as any child can, when we are out for extended periods.  When I know we're going to be out for long, I throw the Kindle Fire into my diaper bag for the day so that when C-Man starts to get restless I can pull it out.  With the touch screen he can easily navigate the Kindle to his application and is quickly listening to a new book.  It gives me just that extra bit of time to finish up whatever we're doing, whether it be my meal, paying our bill, or finishing a discussion with a doctor or someone else we are visiting with.

What are your thoughts on ereaders?  Do you have a Kindle Fire?  How do you like it?  I want to hear from you.

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