Monday, August 27, 2012


What is the most rewarding part of parenthood?  Yeah, I was thinking it was the inevitable phase where your children make you realize, "hey, I'm not as smart as I thought I was."  This, in my house, are the days of the why!!!

For the past week I have been dealing with the curse of the "why's" with C-Man.  Everything is a "why?" or a "how?", maybe even a "where?" from time to time.  And, when the curse of the "why's" start, you might think, "hey, I got this, these why's are easy."  But then, the tough one's come.  This is what I like google for.  Seriously, what can you not find through google?!?

So, C-Man hit me up with the why, what, where, how barrage this week.  "What's a kiwi?"  See, it starts off simple, this is to trick you into thinking you can answer any question with grace and ease and impress your offspring with how smart mommy is.

And then it comes, the instant they've been waiting for, how to make mommy realize she's not the smartest person in the world!!!

"Where do kiwi's grow?", "What's a bush?", "What's a plant?", "What makes up the ground?", "Why is it called dirt?", "What are clouds made of?", "Why is the sky blue?", "What are light waves?", "What is air?", "Why is it called oxygen?", "How do you make oxygen?", "Can I make oxygen?", "Why do trees make oxygen?", "Why can't trees talk?", "Where's Opie's mom?", "How did I get in your belly when I was a baby?"

Yes, some of the questions seem small and innocent.  Most of them might even be able to be answered without the help of the internet google search.  But, most of the time, they come at you so fast you are left spinning and dazed.  Other questions you realize you understand and know the answer, but go through a battle in your head, "do I answer this question or ignore the fact that it was even asked?  If I ignore it will he realize I didn't answer it, or will I win and he'll completely forget the question was even asked altogether."

My world, it's never that simple.  C-Man's memory is better than my computer, so when I try to hide the questions that I don't want to answer, he just barrages me more with more impossible questions.

So, let's hear it.  Leave a comment with the impossible why's.  What are the who, what, why, how questions of your children?

1 comment:

  1. Well, E hasn't figured out the "WHY" but she sure has the "WHERE"...She loves trains and if you cross over tracks or see tracks she asks "ere is it?" or "ere did it go?" on and on! I change my response each time it's asked in hopes that she will give up. "It went home," "The train went to it's station," "it went further down the track," to "I don't know, it's gone!"
