Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Diaper Rescue

There comes a time in a mother's life when she realizes that her poor baby is suffering from a diaper rash.  It's painful to look at, and you're positive it's the reason your easy going child has started booking it at the sight of you with a new diaper and wipes.

You cringe and cry every time you change their diaper cause it's so red and raw, and you're just beside yourself.

We recently went through this with Mar-Mar.  I was beside myself, I had never dealt with a diaper rash with C-Man when he was in diapers, so this was new territory with me.  Throw in the fact that both my kids have eczema, and I am always looking for something that will be a wonder cream, while still being sensitive on their skin.

This is when you turn to other mom's who have been in this position.  You talk to them and you discuss what your best options are.  

Enter in a super mom, and she tells me about Pinxav (pronounced pink salve).  I'm not going to lie, this stuff stinks.  But, I'm trying it cause Mar-Mar's butt is red and raw, and nothing is working on her.  Everything is making it worse, and I want to cry along with her each time I have to change her diaper.

One of the first ingredients in this Pinxav, aloe vera.  This left the pediatrician impressed.  She informs me, as well as some of the over the counter diaper creams work, most of them either do not have aloe vera in them, or it's an ingredient that is listed towards the middle or end of the list (generally this means there is less of it).

So, I get this Pinxav in the mail and I start to use it.  It's thick, it stinks, and it doesn't come off my hands when I wash them with soap and water afterwards.  It takes some wipes to get off.  This I can overlook as the next diaper change the red and raw sores on Mar-Mar are merely pink blotches.

Another great thing about this Pinxav, like I said, it wouldn't come off my hands when I washed them with regular soap and water.  This also means that when Mar-Mar has just a wet diaper, that it keeps the wet off her.  I also only need to reapply after a poopy diaper, but I'm reapplying it about every 2-3 wet diapers.

I know, the Pinxav seems a bit overpriced.  Heck, what isn't these days.  But, I'm telling you, this stuff works miracles.  Not only that, it lasts forever.  I got this stuff 3 months ago, and I have only used 1/4 of the tub.  

As soon as I spot some red on Mar-Mar's bottom during diaper changes, I pull out the Pinxav, and she is completely clear within a few diaper changes.  

I suggest using it for about an extra week or two after the rash is clear, but that should be with any type of diaper rash ointment.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! The mediciny smell drives me crazy, but to see a soft clear tushy is totally worth it!
    It says it's good for burns and other ailments. Well, burnt my hand the other night and I turned to Pinkxav, dabbed it on and within a few minutes the pain was gone. By the next day there was no mark at all!
    I've had my tub since February and I still have just about half! I love this stuff and I recommend it all the time!
