Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sibling Love

Between dance, school, and sick kids and Momster, this week has been crazy.  Hence the no new posts this week.

Today C-Man went to his first dance class for the season.  It started last week, but he wasn't feeling good last Saturday, so we skipped it.  He loves going to dance, so he was very excited to go today.  This year he is doing 2 classes.  One class is tap, and the other is ballet/gymnastics.  He's such a little dancer.  :)  And, as the only boy in his class, he often refers to the girls in his class as "my girls."  

"Mom, are we going to see my girls today?"  He's too cute :)

Mar-Mar loves to go as well.  But, she keeps me on my toes, chasing after her as she roams the hallways and tries to scale the stairs for the hour that we are waiting for C-Man.

But, one thing is for sure, when it comes to my kids, they love each other.

Picking up C-Man from school one day, his teacher informs me as to how he amazes her.  Some of his classmates have younger siblings as well.  And they'll say goodbye and everything as well, but she says that it seems forced with them.  With C-Man, he seeks out Mar-Mar to give her a hug, kiss, tell her he'll come home soon and just say goodbye.

I find myself very lucky with how close C-Man and Mar-Mar are to each other.  They of course have their spats, but they are nothing like what you would expect from sibling rivalry.  

When I was pregnant with Mar-Mar, I was both excited to be adding to our family, but terrified about C-Man having a little brother or sister.  I thought for sure, having a sibling would be the equivalent of what my brother and I put my father through.

My brother and I were evil to each other.  We did NOT get along whatsoever.  The only time we seemed to get along was when another person was picking on the other.  That's the only time we seemed to stand up for the other.  Otherwise, we were at each other's throats.

Even my grandmother tells of tales as to how she would have to sit in the back seat with one of us while the other road in the front seat with my grandfather.  That is how bad our fights would get.  It's a miracle that either one of us is still alive and both with our own families.

I thought for sure, my kids are destined to be evil to each other, almost killing each other, just the way me and my brother did.

But, for now, my kids are so loving to each other for the most part.  C-Man cries, Mar-Mar goes over to him and hugs him, rubs his arm, and plays with his hair.   Mar-Mar is watching her favorite show (Little Einsteins), C-Man sits quietly with her and watches it with her.  If she cries, he also hugs her and he actually starts to sing to her to make her feel better.

At home, these two are almost inseparable.  Almost!!!  Let's face it, they are still brother and sister, so they still fight like cats and dogs.  But overall, I got lucky in the sibling love department with these two :)

How do your children get along?  Are you ripping your hair out wondering if they will ever get along?  Or is your house a "Kumbaya" of sibling love?

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