Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Hair Cuts

There comes a time in a mother's life when she realizes that her child needs a haircut.  No!!!!!  I hate the inevitable first haircut.  It's further proof that the baby you wish you could keep little forever is getting bigger.

Want more proof that your children become little adults with this milestone, take a picture before and after.

So, this weekend, I came to the conclusion that I needed to get Mar-Mar her first haircut.  It was a hard pill for me to swallow.  Pac-Man had been bugging me to take her to get her hair cut for months, but I just couldn't.  So, I resigned myself to putting her hair up in cute little pigtails.  The issue than was that Mar-Mar was constantly pulling out these pigtails, rendering my feeble attempts at arguing that she didn't need her haircut useless.

As cute as she is, it was clear that she needed her hair cut.  Poor girl couldn't even see.

I figured that C-Man needed his hair cut as well, so I would just take Mar-Mar for hers at the same time.  I get to school to pick up C-Man and off to the barber we head.

C-Man has decided that he wants to have his hair cut short.  Pull on my heart now, I am brokenhearted afterwards.  Forget the fact that this is not C-Man's first hair cut, but each time I take him he goes from this innocent cute little boy...

And he instantly becomes this little man and it ages him a few years.  

So, I'm here, at the barber shop, almost in tears after C-Man's transformation, and it's now Mar-Mar's turn to hop into the chair.

It is this instant that I become a blubbering mess.  Mar-Mar has these curls in the back of her hair.  I instantly start having a mom panic attack and I'm a stuttering mess.  I beg the barber, please, please, please don't cut the back of her hair.  I don't think I could bear to lose her curls yet.  I know the instant those curls get cut, they will be lost forever.

After a few minutes of listening to me drivel along about how traumatic this haircut would be, not for me, but for Mar-Mar, we finally agree that just the bangs will be cut.

Contrary to my plea that this will be traumatic, Mar-Mar starts laughing and clapping as her bangs are being cut out of her face.  She has to constantly look up at me with this melt your heart smile to let me know this hair cutting business is fun.  Please, where did my baby girl go?!?!?!?

The transformation was dramatic as C-Man's.  Unfortunately, I decided to wait until after Mar-Mar got up after a nap for her after haircut photo op. She wasn't feeling particularly camera friendly.

The result was, curls are still intact in the back, and Mar-Mar can now see...

What was your traumatic firsts with your child(ren)?

1 comment:

  1. Not a hair cut (we've yet to need one of those!). My traumatic first was her stay in the hospital just after Christmas w/ the flu. So scary and sad!
